Calcaneal landmarks
The anterior tubercle of the plantar calcaneus may be located using the neck of the talus as a reference point. Locate the neck of the talus medially and then simply move your finger from this position, across the medial border of the foot and onto the plantar surface of the foot. The position where your finger rests is the approximate location of the anterior calcaneal tubercle.
The medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity is an important anatomical landmark. It is the origin point of several intrinsic muscles of the foot including the flexor digitorum brevis and the abductor hallucis muscle. It also provides an important attachment point for the plantar fascia. The medial tubercle may be palpated just proximally to the anterior tubercle of the calcaneus. It is best to use your thumb for this palpation as firm pressure will need to be applied to the area.