
Once you have located the styloid process of the fifth metatarsal, continue to run your finger proximally until it slides into a depression just posterior to the styloid process. This depression marks the location of the cuboid bone and is a good place to start when identifying various features of the cuboid through palpation.

The dorsal surface of the cuboid may be identified by using the styloid process of the fifth metatarsal and the greater process of the calcaneus as reference points. Alternatively, place your thumb across the lateral aspect of the cuboid which is the area just proximal to the styloid process and then roll your thumb in a dorsal direction, you will be able to identify the approximate position of the dorsal surface of the cuboid by doing this. The plantar surface of the cuboid may be identified in a similar way by rolling your thumb in a plantar position. The cuboid is an important anatomical feature. It contributes to the formation of several functional joints of the foot as well as providing a site of ligamentous attachment and serving as a fulcrum point for the tendon of peroneus longus.