Case Study 2 Medical history (Subjective)
From the interview with the patient you have learned about her reason for attending the clinic.
Presenting complaint. Mrs W is an 80 year old lady who attends the clinic for care of her foot problems. She presents with pain at the tips of her toes, painful big toe nails, painful 'balls of both feet', a painful right heel. Her pain is worse when wearing shoes and walking. She tells you that she has had previous podiatry treatment for removal of corns and callouses and ingrowing toenails. She uses a walker to help her mobility.
At QUT we have a standard medical record form for recording this information in a hand written. This information may also be recorded directly into our patient management software as typed case notes.
QUT Standard Medical Record Form (PDF file, 142KB)
QUT Standard Medical Record Form (Handwritten) (PDF file, 125KB)
QUT Standard Medical Record Form (Typed) (PDF file, 187KB)
Patients medical list (PDF file, 102KB)